
a place for the love of knitting, gardening, and family

Location: Newtown, Connecticut, United States

Saturday, June 17, 2006


Please leave a one word comment you think best describes me. Then do the same meme on your blog and I'll leave you a one word description. (Don't worry, I won't get mad at anything you may put)

Monday, June 12, 2006

Colinette top finished after 2 years!

Boy oh boy am I an awful procrastinator, I started this top over 2 years ago. I was so out of touch with it I couldn't remember what pattern I used. I was going to frog it but with the encouragement of my scissor sistas I actually finished it, yey me!
Ryan and I had fun tonight in our new veggie garden, he is getting so excited about it. We of course are growing his fav, artichokes. I hope we have a good crop!